Documentary on consumerism through fashion marketing in America and its affects on culture.​
A student desperately needs to meet a deadline and pushes himself to do so.
Series of commercials made for Central York High School Public Relation's department, "The Current." (also held position as their creative director)
Writer ​
Writer of journalistic articles for Central York High School Public Relation's department, "The Current."
​The Red Victor
A 10-minute play about the investigation of a murdered butler that worked for the elite Rosamund family. (The play was chosen and performed by the Strand Capitol.)​​
Akira Kurosawa: A Visionary
A video essay on the career and influences of acclaimed director, Akira Kurosawa.
The Good, the Bad and the Insane
A pairing of perspective poems and paintings based on characters from ChristopherNolan’sTheDarkKnight.
Scene on Screen
An hour-long episode consisting of a series of segments relating to film. News, controversies, questions and discussions all are part of the show.
A hitman struggles with the rippling affects of the rape and murder of his teenage sister.