For starters, I love film. And for that reason, I decided to leave Pennsylvania and come to Long Beach. I wanted to fully immerse myself in an environment that had limitless art and culture. Not to say that York, Pennsylvania doesn't (it doesn't), but California is unbiasedly a more ideal fit. There's simply so much more to do, see, and create here. I want to take full advantage of that opportunity.
Film has been apart of me since I was kid. My dad was watching a "Mafia Marathon" on AMC in the living room one Sunday. He didn't know that I was in the room, witnessing the masterpiece that is Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas from behind the couch. I hadn't seen anything like it before. Being nine years old at the time, I normally got stuck with the garbage cycle of tv shows and half-thought movies made for my demographic. I didn't know what real human characters looked like. I didn't know what real dialogue sounded like. How a back-n'-forth between Ray Liotta and Robert De Niro could sound as satisfying as a Beethoven symphony. How shots were used with purpose instead of just plug-n'-pulled from a template. It was magic and I was hooked.That was the moment I fell in love with film.
I am also a writer. I've always loved stories so, naturally, I wanted to create my own. I started out making construction paper comics that I would put in the classroom library. I'd have a suggestion box on the back of each issue to see what the kids in my class wanted to read about. I kept going for quite some time actually and things were good. Then the reality check came when my teacher ran out of construction paper and with no hesitation, she knew who to blame. So, I got a notebook. And I've been writing ever since. I've won multiple Scholastic Arts & Writing Awards for writings ranging from screenplays, to journalism, to poetry. I've also won a playwriting festival where my play received the full treatment (casting, actors, rehearsing, etc.) and was finally performed at The Strand Capitol (creators of the festival) theater. As for right now works, I've recently wrapped up my first feature-length screenplay which I'll be submitting for contention. And even more recently, I've started my next screenplay that takes place here in California.
I've also done some other works as a videographer and Public Relations marketer , as well as some personal projects which can be seen on my Creative Works resume.